creator cover S-Mrry



About the creator

Greetings to everyone who is interested in getting a commission from me!
I'm S-Mrry and I can draw an illustration for you ~ 🎨
The payment is to be made by purchasing a specific post published on this platform. Just log in with your Google account and pay with PayPal.
PayPal suspended its services in my country at a current time, so I can't use my account for straight forward payments, but Boosty is still able to receive foreign transactions from PayPal, and that allows me to continue taking commissions requests!
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You can also support me a little by donating for the goal, I'd much appreciate that!
▸General commissions info: https://s-mrry.carrd.co/
H/B Bloodborne character
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F/B Dancer of the Boreal Valley
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