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just for monitor subscribers
223.62 из $ 345 собрано
new server and just support


Hello huntplayers!
Many thanks for people who using website and application, in this game event we had 7000+ reports peak per day!
And additional thanks to website sponsors and people who pm me in discord with their feedback and bug reports. I am working solo and can miss some issues so you are really helping me.
This update brings new match overview design it's still not perfect, but it is supposed to be more informative:
If application didn't update press CTRL+R or Right Mouse Button > Reload
New match results design:
1) Now there is a top panel with match details.
2) Now "kills" and "deaths" columns also display teammates hits as second value.
3) If someone picks up bounty more than once it shows the amount of picks.
4) Now you can click on "kills", "deaths", "bounty picked up", "bounty extracted" values to highlight this event in "Match log"
5) MMR stars are aligned to the left. There also added color gradation for mmr value.
New match log design:
1) Log events with more than a 1 minute interval have a gap between each other.
2) Each event type have it's own color. (time + type)
3) Reporter's nickname has green color background.
4) For registered users now there is displayed "You" instead of nickname. (match results uploaded by other players display 'You' instead of your nickname too)
Removed skillbased column from /me page because now all matches except quickmatch is skillbased.
Also I started working on filters for player/{id} and /me pages.
You can find first implementation in /me page.
You can filter matches and statistics for "Last day", "Last week", "Last 30 Days", "Last year". More options will be added later.
OMG this update is so cool! I was waiting for the
"Last day", "Last week", "Last 30 Days", "Last year" so much!
Thank you very much and keep up the good work!
Kamille, Thanks for kind words!
I made filters exactly as you suggested BeamingFaceNow I need to fix some website cache issues and after it i will add more options with better design.

Уровни подписки

Tier I

$ 1,14 в месяц

Tier II

$ 2,3 в месяц

Tier III

$ 3,5 в месяц


$ 5,8 в месяц