Albert Stevens
Albert Stevens


Be Inspired
Feel Good Stories
Inspirational Stories
Nice News
With a passion for meaningful, quality content, we’ve built a highly engaged community of loyal readers in the domains of inspirational thought.  This website is a digital representation of the positive impact people, places, and things are creating in the lives of others and throughout our world.  The aim is to design a space that allows for a deeper connection to each other and the world around us. We know that bringing these stories to light initiates a ripple effect, and if we’ve learned anything from 2020, it is that we all need each other now more than ever.
We hope you take the opportunity to read through and resonate with the content you find here.  We believe that you’ll discover that while there will always be an element of chaos around us, there are still so many people doing amazing things to make the world a more joyous, kinder, sustainable, and peaceful place.  
Our intention is that when you leave here, you do so with a spark of hope that reinvigorates your belief in the goodness of our world and all living things in it.  You’ll continue to carry a spark with you by becoming inspired with a new level of awareness of what can be possible when we come together and create more kindness.

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