4 subscribers
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I will be able to afford spending even more time on content creation!

My House Needs Some Love

We need a place to settle down!
Level required:
Phoenix Spark (Basic Tier) 💛

Subscription levels

Phoenix Spark (Basic Tier) 💛

$ 1,25 per month
- Access to all Boosty content/videos
- Get a special Role in the "BBlackPhoenix Squad" Discord Server, it gives you access to extra hidden channels.
- Support BBlackPhoenix directly.
+ chat

Phoenix Ember (Fan Funding Tier) 🧡

$ 2,87 per month
- Gain all the perks from the basic "Boosty Phoenix Squad" subscription level.
-  A fan funding tier, there are no extra benefits for this tier.
+ chat

Phoenix Flame (Super Supporter Tier) 💗

$ 5 per month
- Gain all the perks from the basic "Phoenix Spark - Basic Tier" subscription level.
- Permanent unique "vanity" role in the BBlackPhoenix Squad Discord server.
+ chat
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