Peter Bastian
Peter Bastian

2023: The Year for a True Zero Trust Architecture (and Mindset)

 Want to know what is Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)? In 2023, Zero Trust
Architecture (ZTA) could no longer be a hesitant webinar topic but a
substance security standard for every organization in the modern era.
Check out the blog to know more.Zero Trust started as a
philosophy a decade ago as an alternative to network-based perimeter
security, and now it is the hottest term in the industry. However,
merely debating about ‘Zero Trust’ won’t make it happen. Zero Trust in
modern enterprises is still a scattered puzzle rather than a sustainable
architecture that lacks a unified foundation essential to turn this
conceptuality into reality.The 2022 identity-centric
cyberattacks (Okta, Uber, Cisco, and many more) emphasized why, in 2023,
Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) could no longer be a hesitant webinar
topic but a substance security standard for every organization in the
modern era.Zero Trust Architecture 

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