обложка автора Apoluna


Digital artist ♥
888.51 из $ 2 246 собрано
Piggy bank ~

Об авторе

  Hi, I'm Apoluna, a digital artist, and this is my abode. Here, for a small donation, you can see everything I'm working on, including exclusive content:
 NSFW arts and their various versions
 the steps of creating a picture
 sketches and comics on my universe
 get high resolution of my pictures
Also among the advantages: discounts on commissions, early access to all content, chance to get requests, the ability to influence on the process of picture creating 
You can follow me here:
Thank you for your support ! ° ˖✧◝ (⁰▿⁰) ◜✧˖ °
1 sub and I start post exclusive content :D 

Уровни подписки

★ LVL 1

$ 1,69 в месяц
early access to all content
get high resolution of my pictures

★ LVL 2

$ 3,4 в месяц
early access to all content
get high resolution of my pictures
the steps of creating a picture
sketches and comics on my universe
discounts on commissions 10%

★ LVL 3

$ 7,9 в месяц
✧ early access to all content
✧ get high resolution of my pictures
✧ the steps of creating a picture
✧ sketches and comics on my universe
✧ discounts on commissions 15%
NSFW arts and their various versions
✧ chance to get requests
✧ the ability to influence on the process of picture creating