136 подписчиков

Real Terraforming 1.1 Update

This update turned out to be more than I planned. It often happens that
already in the process of work a new idea appears, which I immediately
implement without putting it off for later. In addition, working with scripts
is more labor-intensive work and takes more time. Often huge chunks of code
have to be replaced because another solution has been found. And after the
work, it would seem, is already completed. Then the testing phase begins and we
have to delay the release for a week because half the code is no good))
The changes are big and I, of course, did not have time for full testing
during the game. Therefore, I hope for your feedback so that I can make all
balance sheet changes in the future.
I also want to note that the changes do not mention the ability to
terraform uninhabitable worlds using the vanilla method. (This was often
asked.) The thing is that this possibility has always been there (I checked),
with one nuance. Terraforming can only be done into a specific habitable class
of planets. For example, a Barren World can only be terraformed into a Tundra
- Terraforming projects no longer trigger 2 situations. Each project now
runs only one terraforming process.
- Added full integration with New Frontiers. You can now get subclasses
as a result of terraforming. Some subclasses reflect certain climatic
characteristics, others may only appear as a result of random errors in the
terraforming process.
- The Climate Change Project has been replaced by 4 new projects:
Atmospheric Heating Process, Atmospheric Cooling Process, Hydrosphere
Saturation Process and Hydrosphere Depletion Process. Each of these projects is
in turn divided into two stages. For example, this means that in order to
terraform a cold world into a hot one you will have to go through all two
stages. For average climate indicators, as a rule, one stage is sufficient.
These changes make the terraforming process longer. But it had to be done.
- For some projects, the ability to speed up terraforming at the expense
of safety has been added.
- Added Impact Terraforming technology, which allows you to change the
climate using asteroids. This is an extremely unsafe method, but effective.
- Deposits on a planet will now change during the terraforming process,
rather than being replaced by a completely new set of resources after the
planet changes its class, as was the case before.
- Added a Ecosystem Create Project for terraforming Sterile Worlds (a
New type of worlds from New Frontiers).
- Added a project for creating an Gaia World. You will need a completely
new building.
- Added new origin "Gaiaformers". These are former
terraforming machines that have gained consciousness.
- Some graphical changes to previous terraforming projects.
- Fixed a bug with terraforming using the unique leader Azaryn.
- Some other bug fixes.

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