Andrey Moss
Andrey Moss
12 subscribers
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Morana and Laudanum..

These bags were not only the last items in my sixth collection, but also my first accessories created. For me, creating the first bags has become a difficult task and a real event, which is why, in order to show them to you, I decided not just to make them part of the collection, but also to give them into the hands of two mythological creatures..
Joan Bag
Evelyn Bag
One of the Slavic legends, the other is the personification of Victorian melancholy. In mysterious places and magical forests, they drag out their days in deafening and laudanum-intoxicated loneliness, and inspire primordial fear in everyone. One is a force in its essence, the other is a hostage of its passions. Together they personify this invisible connection between the original evil from pagan fairy tales (if we consider it to be evil following the Christian tradition) and fragility, the original human fragility..

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