creator cover Amputee-topmodels


the boosty website of: www.amputee-topmodels.com
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To make a great trip with my amputee friends.
14.26 of $ 2 777 money raised
To make a great trip with my amputee friends.

About the creator

We are a website from: amputee-topmodels.com / ampgermanyru.ru One of the leading websites for amputee videos and pictures. Here you can order again!
Suscribe here to get free videoclips and more every month.
If you buy a video here, we also send you a high quality downloadlink in separate email if you want. For this please send us a message here.
If you like to buy older products of our main website, please let us know and we put it here.
  To pay with PayPal, you need to click on the card / wallet in the subscription payment window and select - pay with a new card / wallet, and re-enter the data in the window that opens.
When you press the pay button, a card appears with several payment options, one of which is preset with a credit card. Here you press on the paypal field. A new card will open showing the email account to which the paypal account in question is linked. For other subscribers it is then sufficient to confirm, but here it is necessary to change the field in which the email address is specified by clicking on pay with a new e-wallet. Then a paypal bar appears. If you press this, you will be taken to the saved account and the video will be activated.
One customer wrote, he had problems to pay:
Now I was succesfu! Changing the payment method there appeared my email account joint with the paypal account but I had to chose e-wallet, whatever this may be.
If you have problems to order:
hi its definetly seems to be a browser issue. ive tried chrome browser and now it works. with firefox it is not working (selection dialog for payment method has a problem to load the payment method selected). with chrome its no problem at all
  Here is the technical support in German:
Wenn man auf den pay-button drückt, erscheint eine Karte mit mehreren Zahlungsoptionen, von denen eine mit einer Kreditkarte voreingestellt ist. Hier drückt man auf das Feld paypal. Es öffnet sich eine neue Karte, in der der Email-account, mit dem das betreffende paypal-Konto verknüpft ist, angezeigt wird. Bei anderen Subscribern reicht es dann zu bestätigen, hier ist es aber erforderlich, das Feld, in dem die Email-Adresse angegeben ist zu verändern, indem man pay with a new e-wallet anklickt. Dann erscheint ein paypal-Balken. Wenn man auf diesen drückt, wird man zum hinterlegten Konto geführt und das Video freigeschaltet.  
здравствуйте я хотел бы узнать у вас на сайте видео есть ли модель ким 544 я хочу заказать тут сайт не работает где я раньше заказывал
Video 1281, Kathy Going to the Hotel, 24:36 min
Post is available after purchase
Video 789, Sandy - Sport, 28:05 min
Post is available after purchase
Video 939, Sandy - Summerdres, 27:01 min
Post is available after purchase
Video 847 Sandy - Pants
Post is available after purchase
1279 Kathy Coming Home, 26:51 min
Post is available after purchase

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