creator cover Academic Mordochka

Academic Mordochka

digital artist
Academic Mordochka
0 of 200 paid subscribers
⚘ this will cover my monthly food bill; indeed i do eat cheap trash ⚘
174.58 of $ 5 574 money raised
⚘ is this approximately my student loan for one year ⚘

About the creator

hallo, fellow kids
I am academic mordochka also known as Sonya (or Sofiya if you are that border control person), but you can simple address me as Académic. please do.
I am like, very decent at drawing, omg what???
but of course you are here because of my eexceptional extraordioinar sense of humour and amazing spelling abilities, yes yes
so maybe i am secretly a comedian
The day I am writing this I have payed 0.7 usd for a package of milk and I have to be honest - i do enjoy flexing how much milk i can digest
but i cant flex it unless i have money to buy more milk
so please do support my further milk digesting activities
Here are some links where you can see my milk digesting activities:
А если вы не слова не поняли - то, как говорится в великой русской пословице: "ну бл* я-то тебя нормально понимаю"

Subscription levels

two metro trips

$ 1,12 per month
with this i can visit any random street in moscow without entering any building or attraction site like a hobo and return back home.
to be fair i am currently using a student discount metro pass which is slightly cheaper
also why do i have to call it subway? it's metro. metro pass.


$ 2,23 per month
with this now i can buy four (4) (世⁾ cheapest milks(牛乳)。
or two (2) (ニ)lactosefree milk(ぎゅにゅ)。
unfortunately, whether i pass n5 jp exam is only up to me, not to you, my dear milk(wo)man.  
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