
Linea Docking

Level required:
Bachelor level

Subscription levels

Bachelor level

$ 14,7 per month
Thanks to your help, our specialists will have the opportunity to take a break and have a cup of coffee with cookies.

Specialist level

$ 23,1 per month
Our team is very grateful for every additional euro for the development of our project!

Machine learning and AI calculations!

$ 58 per month
You can order calculation of molecular complexes with known spatial structures up to 10 mutations to Alanine in protein

AI calculations in Biochemestry!

$ 82 per month
You can order the calculation of molecular complexes with known spatial structures, the number of modifications up to 20 replacements.

2D linear modeling

$ 87 per month
Data platform: 2D Temperature effect  and Pfospho + effect for protein sequence calculations
calculation of physical parameters of interaction of 2 polypeptide chains in different temperature ranges from 5C to 40C, step 5CAlgorithm N5  

50 Alanine Calculations!

$ 150 per month
You can order the calculation of molecular complexes with known spatial structures, the number of modifications up to 50 substitutions. In this case, you specify information about the known 3D structure of known molecules

2D linear modeling for Intaraction sites

$ 174 per month
Determine the interaction sites for small polypeptide sequences.

100 Alanine Scaning+ML

$ 288 per month
Order calculation of 100 alanine substitutions for a monomeric protein or for a dimer, taking into account known 3D structures.
You can order not only alanine scanning, but also a study of any missense mutations.

2D RNA molecules; Intarection sites

$ 289 per month
Data platform: 2D RNA sequenceand interaction frame moving along vectors.  Data platform: 2D protein sequenceand interaction frame moving along vectors.  

Antibody calculations

$ 401 per month
You can order a calculation of the Antibody-Antigen complex, namely, a calculation of the affinity of the flexible chains of the Antibody to the target protein.
The subscription implies an extension of at least two months when ordering up to 20 selection options.

2D RNA structure investigations

$ 867 per month
Study of 2D structures of RNA molecules and protein sequences of medium and large size
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