creator cover Always Inspired by Flying

Always Inspired by Flying

a digital painter and a communicative person
Always Inspired by Flying
184.17 of $ 783 money raised
For a traveler started kit~

About the creator

Hello everyone!
I'm Always Inspired by Flying (AIFlying) an artist! I draw ponies, humans, antro and human like characters!
Also I'm very communicative so feel free to write me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AI_Flying), VK (https://vk.com/flight_few) or Discord (Always Inspired by Flying#1808)
I'm interesting in postapocalyptic theme, in Rainbow High and a lot of other cartoons also in D&D!
A little pack of pony sketches
Post is available after purchase


Hello everyone!
I've finally passed my exams! So commissions are open now!
If you're interested, please, contact me on discord (Always Inspired by Flying#1808) or Twitter (https://twitter.com/AI_Flying)
I can draw pony, antro, human like character or any other kind character! If you'll not be satisfied with sketch you can cancel the order if you haven't paid yet!
I'll by happy to draw a sweet picture for you!
A few examples!
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