обложка автора AlisaJ (Xolotberry)

AlisaJ (Xolotberry)

Pixel, pencil, animation! *wzhooh*
AlisaJ (Xolotberry)
0 из $ 225 собрано
I can pay for veterinary for my cat

Об авторе

Hi there! I'm Alisa, but I'm also known as Xolotberry.
I love to draw pixels, animation, digital and traditional art.
You may commission me here through posts below. PayPal is accepted.
Or you can do it through freelance platform KWORK.
Or just text me
134 positive feedback from Fiverr. I have been involved in projects: MonsterMatch, Towercrawl Tactics, NFT GM:MF.

Free Septembit23 icon pack

Free to use (personal and commercial, not resale) pack with 6 colors 27 pixel icons.
Septembit2023 AlisaJ (Xolotberry) icons.zip48.98 KbСкачать
6 animated Spaceships
Нужен уровень:
Let's have some fun! ✌️
$30 Commission PixelArt 100x100 pixels size (character/object)
Пост доступен только после покупки
$15 Commission PixelArt 64x64 pixels size (character/object)
Пост доступен только после покупки

Уровни подписки

Let's have some fun! ✌️

$ 1,13 в месяц
Access to all paid posts except ordering commissions