To buy new entomological boxes (drawers) for my collection. It is quite expensive.
90.69 of $ 1 963 money raised
I need at least $3000 to fund my collecting expeditions next summer.
About the creator
Me in Polar Ural Mts., near Sob' station, on a flat summit of low mtn., alt. ca. 300 m,13.07.2001.
Hello! I am a research entomologist from Russia. I create a big research collection of Holarctic butterflies (specialising in Colias, Erebia, Oeneis and some other groups) and some Palaearctic moths (Zygaenidae, Arctiidae, Catocala). Graduated from Biological Faculty of Saratov University, each summer I spend a lot of time in the far collecting expeditions all over the ex-USSR territory. These expeditions have became too expensive, so I need funds to continue this activity.
Please return here from time to time to see new posts in my blog. If you'd like to purchase some separate specimens from my posts, please add $15 for postage. Multiple specimens purchase will be united into one parcel, so the postage will be only $15 for several specimens. To pay for the expensive specimens, please go to my Goals and donate to one of it. Thanks in advance. On the photos - just the sample specimens.
To facilitate the navigation through my blog (which will be very long so this is very inconvenient to scroll down the bottom once here is not possible to create a separate pages for each family or genus) - look through the picture explaining how to do this. Another way - press the Magnifying Glass icon next to the icon of Selector and enter a name of a species you'd like to see (e.g. tianschanicus).
Feel free to email me to to get a full price-list of specimens I can share.
I have many interesting species from all over ex-USSR and some adjacent countries of both Lepidoptera (Parnassius, Colias, Erebia, Oeneis, Clossiana, Melitaea and more) and Coleoptera (especially Carabus).
Sorry, some photos are not seen here, are not uploaded correctly probably , but they are here! If to click on the icon "No photo", you'll see it.