обложка автора airydandelion


Digital artist drawing emotes and illustrations!
144.25 из $ 338 собрано
Full Scampuss 3d and 2d model <3
112.59 из $ 113 собрано
+10 animated Scampuss emotes <3
348.64 из $ 226 собрано
+ another 10 scampuss emotes and +2 new wallpapers!

Об авторе

Hello! I am Dandelion aka airydandelion, I love to draw and animate emotes and illustrations!
I am kinda obsessed with Nioh2 character Scampuss, he is adorable yokai that deserves more fanart, so I made him his own discord emoji server
This blog will mostly contain WIPs of new emotes, animations, exclusive variants of illustrations and prints!
Rainbow Vibepuss
Нужен уровень:
Give a soul core
Summer Scampuss
Нужен уровень:
Give a soul core
Animated Eydis (commission)
Нужен уровень:
Give a soul core


Oh no! Kasha caught Scampuss!

Уровни подписки

Give a soul core

$ 2,26 в месяц
Thanks! This supports my emote Scampuss server, so I can add more animated and static emotes! You also will get exclusive variants of Nioh2 illustrations!