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It was a spring day when my friend and I decided to take a train trip to a nearby town

We bought tickets, got into the carriage and began to enjoy the scenery outside the window
On the way, we looked at the passing forests, fields and rivers, joked and laughed. But suddenly, as the train slowed down at the station, I heard my friend suddenly get out of the car. I quickly jumped up and ran after her, but the doors slammed shut right in my face
I panicked, shouted her name, but the train had already started and took my friend in an unknown direction. I was left alone at the station, not knowing what to do. It was too late to catch up with the train, so I decided to wait for her at this station
The hours seemed endless, I was worried about my friend and couldn't understand how this could have happened. Eventually, the train returned to this station, but my friend was not sitting in the car. I realized that she had accidentally wandered onto another platform and left in an unknown direction
At that moment, I was seized with panic and despair. I lost my best friend due to negligence and misunderstanding. I realized that I need to be more careful and attentive when traveling and avoid such situations.
Since then, I have become more attentive and caring when traveling, never again allowing myself to lose friends due to my carelessness. But that loss stayed in my heart for the rest of my life, reminding me of that lesson

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