обложка автора admiralxen


Freelance Concept Artist

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Welcome! I'm Xen. I'm a Freelance artist.
Here I plan to post WIPs to my artwork, sketches and doodles that don't usually make it to other platforms.  If you have questions about my art process, or want to commission something, feel free to contact me.
Support is greatly appreciated!~

Currently working on~

Rework of an old picture. Still not totally in love with the magical staffs design but we're getting closer!~

Finished design ~

Finished version!
The idea was to create a possible party member for a fantasy world, someone who is an adventurer that becomes a pirate on her travels. 
My favorite part still has to be the giant hat. Nothing makes a character look better than a giant hat. Immediate improvement for any design .
Anyway, had a lot of fun designing this in my spare time.
It's also up on artstation and artgram as well.  

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