creator cover VLODKOS


GTA IV modmaker
0 of $ 250 money raised
For some new used pc parts to replace the old-old ones

About the creator

Hello. Some of you may have seen my modifications for GTA 4 on https://www.gtainside.com/user/VLODKOS (or on other sites, but these are all re-uploads). I mainly do car mods. But I am not limited to this. Also I can make weapon mods, or some other objects in the game.
I'm not a 3D artist, I don't know how to model complex objects, I mainly work with ready-made models, convert it to GTA 4, modify, texture, improve, create LODs, etc, etc.
Also for several years I have been creating my own big pack of mods (here is a flickr link where you can see vehicles and weapons: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmJKtzmD), which I hope one day I will be able to finish and release to the general public.
I still have big plans for vehicles, but development takes a lot of time.
The modpack includes not only vehicles and weapons, it also includes other mods.
So enjoy my mods and thanks for your support!
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Updates on Tahoe

The model got some new things in the interior. Was partially taken from another model, but it was greatly redone by me, partly made from scratch. 
Also Shady311 kindly agreed to make new correct badges, now they look neat!
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Chevrolet Tahoe GMT900

Attention! There will be a lot of pics further.
Currently working on a Tahoe GMT900. The model was made by Shady311, I already had a convert into GTA 4, but several years have passed since then and the old convert required a complete rework.
This model is still made by Shady311, but was heavily reworked by Pahok, who corrected the proportions and added missed details.
The model has been in my possession for a some time now and I work on it from time to time.
Torn vertices were fixed, new seats, seat belts, new buttons on the doors were added, some small things were redone, the model was re-mapped and textured, many parts now have an AO bake.
There is still a lot of work to be done, but at this stage the model looks very good and I decided it was time to share the result. Well, if anyone even finds this page.
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Ingame pics

looks a bit dark because I'm using FusionFix and 'Console gamma' option
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Subscription levels

Just a subscription to support me

$ 2,5 per month
That's right, it's just a subscription to support me.
From time to time I may (or may not) post here some details regarding my modpack for GTA IV.
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