28 subscribers
131.3 of $ 375 money raised
Ускорить разработку игры :) // Speed up game development :)
Google всё :(
Все покупки в игре теперь отклоняются гуглом с этого дня
All in-game purchases are now rejected by Google
You can still send tips...I think in-game purchases are only rejected by some players because if you have had this game years when making a successful in-game purchase the game would take off similar purchases and only make other purchases available...so when you purchased all gifts/donations and in-game purchases you can't make anymore purchases. It caps the players contributions! I liked that idea. I ended up having multiple accounts with all donations paid and some purchases for advertising off and always second suit on...to support the Devs! It takes a lot to make games and at some point you probably teach students how to be this successful. It's nice to have a game you can trust.

Subscription levels


$ 0,45 per month
Development Support
Поддержка игры


$ 1,25 per month
Development Support
Поддержка игры


$ 3,8 per month
Development Support
Поддержка игры
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