08 Games

Об авторе

Hi there! I'm 08, pixel artist and sometimes game designer.
I use this platforme mainly for commissions payments. But if you want to support my work, you can just subscribe me and get nothing exclusive, haha. Because there is no exclusive content, sorry, it's just the way to suppot me. Maybe later? Who knows...  
At the moment I'm working on project called "Pocket Kingdom, director's cut" or "Pocket Kingdom complete" (I'm not decided yet, both titles are awful). The release of original "Pocket Kingdom" game was in December 2016 on Steam and to be honest I'm not very happy with how it turned out. Many ideas I didn't include in the release, so my current project is a kind of work on mistakes. Another reason to return to this project, because my skills have improved and I would like to redraw some of old graphics. Here is my plan in a nutshell:
- Redrawing some locations (ok, everything is going to the fact that all locations will be redrawn)
- Adding new story locations and new puzzles
- Adding new districts
- Bug fixes.
- Development and additions of the game's lore
- There may be improvements of the interface (for example, maps), but it depends on the interest of the programmer (I have not talked to him about this yet)
- Port of the game on Nintendo Switch
- Translation of new texts into other languages (so far, new texts are only in English and Russian)
Artwork for "Pocket Kingdom", wip
Нужен уровень:
Level 0.01


Привет! Вижу у меня появилось 2 подписчика, при том, что страница мертва уже длительное время. Не хорошо получается, подписчики есть, а активности нет.
Я вообще-то давно подумывал заняться бусти и похоже все идет к тому, что в скором времени он будет использоваться гораздо более активно. Сразу скажу, я не планирую в ближайшем будущем заниматься разработкой, ну месяц-другой точно ни-ни.
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thank you for not abandoning the project, Ive been following it since 2015, i used your images to make these, hopefully you wont get mad. if i wasnt poor i would make some commissions
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w santos, starting 50 usd for 100x100 px,
depending on the complexity.

Уровни подписки

Level 0.01

$ 1,13 в месяц
Development logs and all in-work stuff, including WIP pictures.