обложка автора zet subo

zet subo

Digital artist
zet subo
59.79 из $ 60 собрано
Custom commission widget
1 160.52 из $ 1 145 собрано
✨Click here to pay for your commission✨

Об авторе

How to pay me?
Hello and thank you for working with me! I chose this platform to receive payments from my clients. This is a step-by-step guide on how to pay me:
1.Choose your language in the lower right corner
2.Login with your Google/Facebook account
3.Click «Donate» button
4.You can donate via PayPal/bank card
Contact me on discord zzzetsubo#7424 if you have any questions!
You can find links to my socials here:

How to pay me?

    Hello and thank you for working with me! I chose this platform to receive payments from my clients, if they have difficulties paying via PayPal. Here's the step-by-step guide on how to pay me!
1.Choose your language in the lower right corner
2.Login with your Google/Facebook account
3.Click «Donate» button
4.You can donate via PayPal/bank card
5.You can find the dollar to ruble paypal exchange rate yourself (as a rule, it differs from the international exchange rate) and see how much in rubles you need to transfer.
Contact me on discord zet#7424 if you have any more questions! 

Уровни подписки

Lvl1 Support

$ 1,15 в месяц