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GMU Music Player update for Garlic OS

Hi there.
The initial release of GMU Music Player had only .flac, .mp3, .ogg support, and I thought that was enough. In July I received a request to add Ogg Opus (.opus) support, and recently there was a Reddit user asking for Module (chiptune) formats support.
I decided to add support for a couple more file formats and add the readme.txt with usage details and default controls (to make life easier for new users).
Get it here. Check readme.txt for instructions.
- September 18, 2023:
1) Change default controls
2) Add Module formats (.669; .amf; .ams; .dbm; .digi; .dmf; .dsm; .far; .gdm; .imf; .it; .j2b; .m15; .mdl; .med; .mmcmp; .mo3; .mod; .mptm; .mt2; .mtm; .nst; .okt; .plm; .ppm; .psm; .ptm; .s3m; .stk; .stm; .ult; .umx; .wow; .xm; .xpk) support
3) Add Musepack (.mpc, .mp+) support
4) Add WavPack (.wv, .wvc) support
- July 29, 2023:
1) Add Ogg Opus (.opus) support
- February 28, 2023:
1) Initial release (.flac, .mp3, .ogg support)
Спасибо огромное за плеер!
Скажи пожалуйста - есть ли возможность как-то настроить эквалайзер, чтобы добавить нижних частот? Очень не хватает
Никита Теплоухов, в плеере такой возможности не предусмотрено. Попробую добавить, когда появится свободное время.
XQuader, буду ждать, спасибо!
Thank you so much XQuader!
so is that auto resume playback problem fixed? which means you don't need to find out where you were for the podcast track each time you enter the app? thank you!
Fan Chester, I'll add this feature to my to-do list.
Thank your XQuader, that's a pain point cause most people more prefer to use 35xx for listening to podcast rather than music.

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