Vladimir Petrigo

Software Engineer
Vladimir Petrigo
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About the creator

My name is Vladimir and I am an embedded systems engineer.
You may find some of my projects on GitHub.
You may support me here if you like. If a subscription/donation does not work for your location, you can support me with crypto:
- BTC18JQRbkXFAFnsDfqFe6xqpcfUV9rKHCGpM
- ETH: 0x60Fe1F3248E79dEd1285944bC97f4EA44e6c2e39
- DOGE: DFK2N49MxxhGoo5x44kUUy2Bgpsr6K9Kqy
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Subscription levels


$ 0,82 per month
I am an individual fan.

Big Fan

$ 2,9 per month
I really like your work and would like to support you!


$ 5,8 per month
I was able to dig deeper into some concept with your project and would like to thank you!

Small Beneficiary

$ 11,6 per month
We benefit quite a bit from your work and would like to support you!

Saved my time

$ 23,2 per month
You saved some my engineering efforts and I would like to recognize it!


$ 70 per month
I am greatly appreciate huge supporter!
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