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TBSE Like a Bad Guy

2 items set. Skinny ripped jeans and a simple singlet to go with a bandana wrapped around your wrist fitted to TBSE~
Everything is dyeable, except for the bandana (you will have to edit its color via colorset, you can also choose to hide it upon installation)
TBSE Like a Bad Guy.ttmp214.78 MbDownload

Subscription levels

The Body SE & Bibo+ <3

$ 5,1 per month
At least one set/outfit per month crafted specifically for TBSE.
At least one set/outfit per month crafted specifically for Bibo+.

The Body SE & Bibo+ <3 <3

$ 6,4 per month
Optional. EXACTLY the same as the previous level. No difference at all. It's only for those what want to support me MORE.
<3 <3

The Body SE & Bibo+ <3 <3 <3

$ 12,7 per month
Optional. EXACTLY the same as the previous levels. No difference at all. 
It's only for those what want to support me EVEN MORE.
<3 <3 <3
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