Thank you for support - Early Access on teaser and release images (later they will be posted on different SM
Level 2
$ 4,2 per month
Rewards from previous level - Exclusive artworks that will be on Patreon and Boosty - +18 Artworks at 2k - Artworks without logo - Downloable content - 720p video - 10-euro discount on commissions
Level 3
$ 8,3 per month
Rewards from previous levels - 5k Resolution content - WIP Artworks - Behind the scenes content - 1080p video - Extra Variations of Packs.
Level 4
$ 16,5 per month
All previous rewards. Only if you want to provide me more support.
Level 5
$ 20,6 per month
All Previous Levels Rewards
Work in progress of video game. Possibility to give a comments.