Физический и моральный комфорт – это то, что мне сейчас необходимо для создания более качественного контента. И вы можете с этим помочь.
About the creator
Hello everyone!
I'm THoujou, I'm an artist. I mostly draw fanarts, but I can also draw original illustrations.
The main fandoms I'm currently making content it's The Sandman; Genshin Impact and Wednesday, but I don't mind working on other stuff as well if it's interesting enough.
A standard subscription will give you early access to the main content I'm creating, as well as photos and videos of the process of creating it.
An exclusive subscription will give you the opportunity to see more ranked content that will be published only on this platform.
You can also order a drawing from me. Fandom and deadline will be negotiated individually.
You're welcome! ✨
Subscription levels
$ 0,59 per month
Access to standard content and the work creation process.
$ 1,77 per month
access to special content, the full version of which is only available at this subscription level. 🔥
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