11 subscribers
0 of 100 paid subscribers
Animation YCH!
1 of 2
2 728.21 of $ 5 659 money raised
Will draw for food

The trash squirrel

Level required:
Sausage Squad

Subscription levels

Sausage Squad

$ 1,14 per month
Acces to additional edits of our commissions and WIPs

Chicken Connoisseurs

$ 2,27 per month
Acces to additional edits of our commissions and WIPs, but cooler.

Grill Gang

$ 5,7 per month
Monthly raffle for a colored sketch!

Pork Posse

$ 11,4 per month
Participation in a monthly raffle + personal sticker each month!

Steakhouse Socialites

$ 28,3 per month
Participation in a monthly raffle + personal sticker each month (but even cooler)
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