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About the creator

Such a swine, lips like wine
But it don't matter to me
Take a turn before I burn
It don't matter to me
Like a snake, I wake and bake
It don't matter to me
I could fuck, or I could fight
It don't matter to me'Cause it's always the same
And I'm always the same Uncle Sam he looks god damned
But it don't matter to me
I don't know where I'm gonna go
It don't matter to me
You could bleed, and stain my seed
It don't matter to me'Cause it's always the same
And I'm always the same You're not a man everybody says
But it don't matter to me
Dirty feet on my seat
But it don't matter to me
Break my heart, tear me apart
It don't matter to me no, no
I put a shine in your eye
It don't matter to me'Cause it's always the same
And I'm always the same
SnapSave.io - Don't Matter (320 kbps).mp3
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