creator cover igorkis-scrts


just socrates things

About the creator

My name is Socrates and I'm just a fellow Arma modder. You probably could know me by my previous efforts - Serverify-A3 dedicated server management tool and Antistasi Plus gamemode. My current focus is Escapists game mode for Arma Reforger/Arma 4.

Escapists 1.3

## 1.3 - Dynamics Update
### Additions
- British Forces mod support
- (British Forces) UK faction, could be both players and antagonists
- (British Forces) NATO faction as antagonists only, US+UK merge faction
- Chernarus Reforged terrain support
- Ambient Events system - random events that may occur around the players
- Helicopter Flyby ambient event - helicopter that flies near the players, it's crew might notice the players and call for help, so make sure you're hidden enough when they're close
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