creator cover shyewa


go go crazy
368.2 of $ 3 626 money raised
adopt payment

About the creator

an artist who draws very cool pictures and adopts that can be found here https://www.deviantart.com/mrsneakers/gallery
request for ultra doggy <3
Level required:
small doggy
Level required:
small doggy
Level required:
small doggy
Level required:
small doggy
Level required:
small doggy
request for ULTRA doggy :3
Level required:
small doggy
Level required:
small doggy
Level required:
small doggy

Subscription levels

small doggy

$ 1,21 per month
there will be spoilers for my adopts, wips and exclusive works!ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ

big doggy

$ 3,7 per month
the same, but plus your support for me ♡

ultra doggy

$ 12,1 per month
get a sketch (head/half, to choose) from me once a month (*´▽`*)
Go up