creator cover Ryska Dasha

Ryska Dasha

digital artist
Ryska Dasha
0 of $ 594 money raised
I accept commission payments here

About the creator

Hi everyone!
Welcome to my page!
Paypal no longer works in my country, so I accept payments for commissions here.
Hope you understand! 
You can pay commissions through the donate button using your Paypal or bank card (registration may be required, but it's a very fast, you can sign in with your Google account). The amount must be entered in rubles, you can find out the exact amount yourself using the current ruble exchange rate to dollar in Google!
Thank you <3

Subscription levels


$ 0,6 per month
Доступ к wip-скетчам
Access to wip-sketches


$ 1,19 per month
Доступ к wip-скетчам + таймлапс-видео готовых работ
А также индивидуальный цветной скетч с вашим OC или любимым персонажем!
Access to wip-sketches + time-lapse videos of finished works
And also an individual color sketch with your OC or your favorite character! 
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