Russian Free Press
Russian Free Press
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Help us talk about Ukraine

Because of the situation in Ukraine, almost all independent media outlets in Russia are recognized as foreign agents, and dozens of administrative and criminal cases are opened to discredit the armed forces of the Russian Federation. 

Subscription levels

Someone who wants to help

$ 1,13 per month
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Someone who cares

$ 2,26 per month
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Someone who believes in a good future

$ 5,7 per month
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- A virtual air kiss from the entire editorial board

The one who cannot be silent

$ 9,1 per month
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- A virtual air kiss from the entire editorial board
- A virtual hug from the entire editorial board

Foreign agent

$ 11,3 per month
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- A virtual air kiss from the entire editorial board
- A virtual hug from the entire editorial board
- We will print your picture and hang it in the office
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