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Educational Robotics: programs and instructions
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About the creator

Howdy! My name is Alex. Since 2015, I have been immersed in teaching educational robotics. Since then, many different educational materials have accumulated, which I would like to share. Some of the training materials will be free, and some will be distributed with a small monetary reward.
On this site you will find links to instructions for assembling models from the Lego Education EV3 and Lego Education Spike Prime educational constructors.
Initially, the instructions and programs for robotics lessons are created in Russian, so I apologize if you find incorrect translation or small errors in places.
Live photos and videos from programming, electronics and robotics classes can be found on my Instagram, and videos to educational materials can be found on the YouTube channel.
Write your comments and wish you all the best.
Our website robo-wiki.com (free instructions - only here).
Youtube channel @robowikicom
На русском языке:
Сайт robo-wiki.ru
Магазин инструкций market.robo-wiki.ru
Youtube канал @robowikiru 
PS. Оплачивайте дешевле на сайте РобоВики.Маркет (только российские банковские карты). Там же найдете бесплатные инструкции, которых нет на Boosty.

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