creator cover Rita wild

Rita wild

Playlistmaker, streamer and fic-writer
Rita wild
0 of $ 613 money raised
For my new computer to make better videos

About the creator

Thank you for visiting my boosty! My name is Rita, and this my silly free space to to express all my love for you. I love making music playlists, writing kawaii stories and interacting with my friends and followers.
Why is it so important to support me on boosty? Since I use various music on a non-commercial basis, my channel is never eligible to receive monetization.If you like my work and want to continue listening to new playlists, subscribe!
Спасибо большое что зашли на мой бусти. Меня зовут Рита и это мой дурацкий бусти для того чтобы сказать спасибо всем вам. Я люблю делать плейлисты, писать милые рассказы и общаться со своими друзьями и подписчиками.

Subscription levels

Blow kiss

$ 1,23 per month
Mwah, thank you! *blows a kiss*
Support me and my channel on YouTube so that I can continue to have the opportunity to pay for the Internet. You will also get the opportunity to read my private posts and I will respond to you.

Kiss on the cheek

$ 3,7 per month
Wow, don't you really like my playlists? Thank you! *Kiss on the cheek*
At this level you receive all the privileges of the previous level, and new:  
· Invite to my private discord channel where I gather with other subscribers
· Participation in polls on new topics for playlists
· Exclusive translations of my fanfictions into English (only pg-13)
+ chat

A french kiss!?

$ 8,6 per month
Wow you love me so much more than I could ever imagine. Maybe we should start communicating more? *winks*
At this level you receive all the privileges of the previous level, and new:  
· Invite to my private discord channel where I gather with other subscribers
·  Request a custom playlist once per a month
·  Exclusive translations of my fanfictions into English (including NC-17) (I'll send you a link to the google doc lol)
·  My eternal love and devotion
+ chat
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