Art-Core  Artist
0 of 2 000 paid subscribers
It well be a great achievement.

About the creator

Hi and welcome I am a 2d and 3d artist and game developer.
I'm developing a erotic quiz game.
Please support me you support is my strength.

Subscription levels

Single Pepper

$ 0,91 per month
You will have access to my subscriber only posts and my eternal gratitude.

Double Pepper

$ 2,83 per month
You will have access to the game ten days before public release.
My eternal gratitude.

Triple Pepper

$ 4,6 per month
You will have access to the game a week before the public release.
Ability to vote in polls.
My eternal gratitude.

Quadruple Pepper

$ 9,1 per month
You will have access to the game a week before the public release.
Ability to vote in polls.
Your votes will be counted twice.
Your name will be in credits
My eternal gratitude.
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