78 subscribers
9 314.84 of $ 11 441 money raised
My financial stability.

(Exclusive) Booty Mikasa Uniform - Gokuraku Jodo

Level required:
For new subscribers (~18$)

Subscription levels

For new subscribers (~7$)

$ 4,6 per month
- "alter" versions of dance MMD videos in 1080p.

For new subscribers (~18$)

$ 11,5 per month
- "alter" versions of dance MMD videos in 1440p.
- for exclusive content

Extra support 1 (~50$)

$ 35 per month
- all previous reward
- ordering video with already existing dance motions, model and stage

Extra support 2 (~100$)

$ 75 per month
- all previous reward
- Thank you very much!!!
- just for super support.
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