обложка автора Necrosster


3D artist for 3D printing
0 из 300 платных подписчиков
Once I reach 300 subscribers, I will be able to be more financially independent during this difficult time. Help me to this end. Thanks!

Об авторе

I have been a 3D designer for almost 10 years. I specialize in creating attributes for cosplay.
Here I post my works in 3d modeling and other interesting 3d works. You can subscribe and support me in my hobby.
You can also order copies of works from films or games, as well as the embodiment of your original ideas.
3d models for every taste!

Уровни подписки

Support me

$ 2,25 в месяц
 Hi! If you like my art and want to support me during this difficult time, you can sign up for this modest subscription. This subscription will allow me to drink a cup of aromatic coffee in your honor!
$2 per month.

Level 1

$ 13,5 в месяц
This level allows you to access the 3D files that are currently available and you will also get access to new 3D files that I will upload in the future
$15 per month.

Level 2

$ 22,5 в месяц
This level allows you to access the 3D files that are currently available and you will also get access to new 3D files that I will upload in the future
$25 per month.

Level 3

$ 32 в месяц
This level allows you to access the 3D files that are currently available and you will also get access to new 3D files that I will upload in the future
$35 per month.

Level 4

$ 51 в месяц
This level allows you to access the 3D files that are currently available and you will also get access to new 3D files that I will upload in the future
$55 per month.