creator cover AveKitsune


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I am an artist and have been doing art all my life. I dream of continuing my studies in sculpture in Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara.

About the creator

My name is Evgeniya. I live and work in Russia in Moscow. I am a theater artist by education and have previously created costumes for theater, dance and shows. Now I make teddy bears and their friends, art dolls, draw pictures and create ceramics.
Now you can make a purchase through Hipolink (Pay Pal).
Boosty's team is trying to fix a payment problem via PayPal.
Меня зовут Евгения. Я живу и работаю в России в Москве. По образованию я театральный художник и раньше создавала костюмы для театра, танцев и шоу. Теперь я делаю плюшевых мишек и их друзей, художественных кукол, рисую картинки и создаю керамику.

New look

 I'm sewing a new outfit for a doll to take a picture of shoes.


I'm making new shoes for a doll

Green teddy bear

Vintage plush teddy bear.
The bear's clothes can be removed so you can sew new ones.

New dolls shoes

I made the first doll shoes for Eliza.
Now you need to put on the other dolls and teddy bears

Subscription levels

Подписка 100 / Subscription 100

$ 1,19 per month
Видео мастер-классы и детали процесса работы. Обсуждение в закрытом чате Телеграм.
Video master classes and details of the work process. Discussion in a closed Telegram chat.
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