creator cover Mo4alka Bob

Mo4alka Bob

The video is better and more interesting than also
Mo4alka Bob
0 of $ 1 137 money raised
So that Mo4lka Bob can have a nice meal

About the creator

Hi, it's Mo4alka Bob! If you came to see me on Busty, it means you don't have enough videos on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@M4Bob. That's right, because the best and most interesting videos are waiting for you here! Subscribe and you will not regret it!
Squidward Kicks Alphabet Lore Letters F and P out of his house (not cropped by YouTube)
New video for all subscribers! Even for Karen!
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Subscription levels


$ 2,51 per month
Basic subscription level. You can watch new videos. But don't dare help the plankton! 😂

Squidward Tentacles

$ 5,7 per month
A grumpy, but beloved neighbor to whom you can not only show videos, but also play with him on the stream!

Patrick Star

$ 11,4 per month
My best friend who is always fun to be with! If I want to play, I always ask him what to play on the stream! And he can always turn to me with any question!
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