creator cover Ministry of Image

Ministry of Image

The best stories of MLP fandom in hardcover
Ministry of Image
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About the creator

From the beginning our mission as Ministry of Image was to create and distribute products of the highest quality. 
You can contact us through our website - ministryofimage.net
Thank you for your support during these difficult times!  

About us

Hi everycreature!
From the beginning our mission as Ministry of Image was to create and distribute products of the highest quality. 
Our previous experience has provided us with talented artists, careful editors, creative designers and genial volunteers.  
At the moment we have the following books available:
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Who is this pony and why does she kinda look like Rarity?  Also, thank you so much for keeping the story going, I don't have the money right now to sub or buy your collection of books, but I will be doing so in time probably a month from now.  I'm pleasantly surprised to see that the fandom is still going strong.  I've been out of the loop for a while and I just recently started checking in to see the fandom is going strong, like the the ponytown game and this! it's really nice to see, sorry I'm rambling on.  I just wanted to thank you, so, thank you. Any way bye :)

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