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[KERNEL] FYT 7862(a/s) kernel MD-EDITION with FMC

  Hi community
I'm happy to introduce Kernel MD-EDITION for FYT 7862 units.
This firmware is built into the latest kernel released on 2023-05-15.
Internal mods:
Improved SPRD parameters to use more GPU to render instead of consuming CPU for these tasks.Added detailed memory support for units with 8Gb of ram (Original kernel takes config from 6Gb section to be applied to 8Gb units), specially the kernel panic limit has been adjusted.Improved memory handler for 6Gb RAM units and 8Gb RAM units (Below 6Gb the memory handler has not been improved)Includes "su" machanism always disabled (commanded by the provided Fyt Control Center application).Removed "Google Digital Wellbeing" application.The firmware is provided with an application named "Fyt Management Center" which exists in both User or Platform builds. The version provided with firmware is obviously the Platfom build, the application is flashed as a system-app automatically after firmware install.
What can you do with Firmware MD-EDITION coupled with FYT Management Center Platform app ?
You can do FYTBACKUPS (OEM application backups) on the fly, delivered in ZIP format the you can use any app (i.e. Amaze or CX File explorer or SYU Filemanager) to send the backup to an USB pendrive or your google drive account, this is at your choice.You can do Backups of your /data/{data,app} folders and, as for the FYTBACKUP, you can download it to an USB pendrive or store it wherever you want.You can change the font scale factor (useful as most of the new chinese modified com.android.settings don't provide access to Font section).You can handle FYT Launchers, add, backup, remove, on the fly whitout using the lsec flash procedure.You can handle OEM apps, backup, replace, on the fly whitout using the lsec flash procedure.Special handler for file "pwctl_config.xml" stored in /oem/app, this file contains all the applications that chinese developpers consider that they should start when BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast is sent by the system (i.e. some TEYES apps, and other chinese apps), now, if you install an application that has (in the app manifest) the "RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" permission, the package name of your app will be automatically whitelisted in this file, allowing the app to obey to the BOOT_COMPLETED system broadcast.You can Enable and Disable Root Schema. When enabled, Fyt Management Center puts "supersu app" in the system as an User apk and installs it silently, then reboot the system automatically to enable root privileges, when you disable Root Schema, the opposite happens, supersu.apk is removed silently and the Fyt Management Center app reboots the system automatically to disable the root schema.You can set autolaunch applications at system boot time (whatever app installed in the system) you can also chose to autostart every selected app in background.You can access embeeded Bluetooth settings. (latest chinese modified com.android.settings doesn't include the Bluetooth menu anymore).You can lock the system (i.e. you leave your car in the mechanic and don't want to leave open access to your device)You can set day or night UI system modeYou can enable / disable NOKILL function (only available in MD-EDITION WITH MAINSERVICE)

I require your attention for the following:​

You MUST uninstall (il already installed) FYT Management center user edition before flashing the Firmare MD-EDITION (as it comes with a different version intended to run as system user)

From 2023-06-09, Kernel MD-EDITION (not FMC updates) will be released
based on Kernel 2023-05-15 with the latest lsec6315update file.
You WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ROLLBACK to kernels released before March 2023.

Not suitable for TEYES units (FYT=95)
Not compatible with UDT software
Not compatible with ROOTED WITH MAGISK Kernels
From 2023-01-27, MD-EDITION will be shipped in 2 flavours:
Original and with a custom "com.syu.ms" apk to avoid killing apps before going into sleep mode.
This behaviour also maintain accessibility apps running and does not allow accessibility setting going OFF.


FMC_UPDATE.zip will be always delivered without custom com.syu.ms

If you already use another custom com.suy.ms file, you should use the "NO_MAINSERVICE" flavour.

I can't be taken as responsible for any damage caused to your unit, you're supposed to know how to flash a FYT 7862 based unit and I'll not talk about "how to flash a 7862 FYT unit or woh to flash my original kernel back" here.
By installing Firmware MD-EDITION with FMC embedded app, You will NOT loose any of your third party installed apks, apk updates, settings and data.

You should have a copy of your 6315_1.zip, your AllAppUpdate.bin and your config.txt in case you want to roolback your installation (even if the AllAppUpdate apps and config.txt will not be modified in the MD-EDITION installation.
The installation procedure is like any normal kernel upgrade (FAT32 USB Pendrive, firmware in root of USB and plug it to unit, that's all).

This firmware and the FYT Management Center App are both based on mutual trust, the FYT Management Center App is a system app using System as user to perform the embeeded tasks (services / activities)

Obviously the source code isn't available in Github or other public places, but you can use apktool to backsmali and analyse the app, even I encourage you to do that if you think (or doubt) about the app doing "tricks" that aren't meant to be done.

At first boot, when opening the App and only if internet is reachable from your headunit you'll be asked for registration, with email, first and last name, and a password, this will automatically register you in my fytfactory website as a user (more advantages to come in the near future), then after registration you can use the app.

In the second boot, the app will check your system for previously installed apks that may have "RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" permission in their manifest, and will auto whitelist that apks in the "pwctl_conf.xml" file to be sure that your apps will receive the BOOT_COMPLETED and act normally without chinese restrictions. This second boot may bring your unit slow for a couple os seconds (in 6Gb or 8Gb units) or a minute or two (in 4Gb or less RAM units) while whitelisting your applications. Anyway every process running by FYT Management Center will be notified to you by a colored Toast message.

Fellows, I whish that you will enjoy the firmware as I enjoyed the creation and test period.

The firmware is available as BETA eve if it's stable (tested in me 4 different FYT units with 2, 4, 6 and 8Gb of ram)

New updates will come alive with time, you will be notified by email (that's also why the App requires registration).

If you enjoy the firmware with the FYT Management Center App, just think about how many cofees, coca cola and other stuff I drunk not to mention the white nights passed behind the screen surrounded by a bunch of FYT 7862 units to test the Kernel and the FYT Management Center App, you can be generous and donate for a single cofee, of course this is NOT MANDATORY at all.

IMPORTANT: I seek every file on the kernel to find out some eventually functions/programs sending our data to chinese servers and I didn't find anything, it seems to be safe at kernel level, but I'm concerned about apks inside AllAppUpdate, but AllAppUpdate is out of my firmware's scope.

You can read more about the firmware and download it in my FYTFACTORY website: Fyt Management Center MD-EDITION

FYT Management Center App is available in English, French, German and Russian, other languages to be added in the near future.

If you have ideas to be implemented they are welcome.

Sorry for the lack of screenshots/images here, you'll find them in FYTFACTORY.

FYT one day, FYT everydays !

If anyone needs a language that is not included in FMC, you can get the attached strings.xml and provide it back translated in your language named as the following pattern: "strings-xx.xml" where "xx" is the ISO code of your country.

DONATIONS:(Pay me a coffee ?, a beer ?, a McDonnalds ?, other thing ? encourage me ?, all types are welcome !, anyway MD-EDITION remains FREE !)​​
N'joy fellows .
Cheers from France  

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