creator cover Craft Machine

Craft Machine

fantasy creatures farmer + digital artist
Craft Machine
360.28 of $ 2 452 money raised
for works
0 of $ 613 money raised
Спасение животных / Animal rescue

About the creator

Welcome to my magic laboratory!
I farm different characters from my imagination or other universes and share the processes with you.
Also, here you can find interesting artifacts and creatures to adopt for you or someone you would like to gift to
Я воплощаю различных существ из воображения/других вселенных и делюсь процессом с вами!

Subscription levels

Pro Visiter | Щедрый сталкер

$ 1,23 per month
Epic ability to donate me a pack of noodles per month! ;D
Also to see special content such as work-in-progress & unseen posts of ongoing/past works 
Подкармливать автора дошираком и получать уникальный контент (фото работ в процессе) в течение месяца! :3
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