Lee Moony
Lee Moony
35 subscribers

the worst year ever.

I broke my leg.
The right one.
It's been 2 months since the 1st injury.
F U C K.
Today was the 1st day when we were taken to the skating rink as part of the training program. It's logical to assume that I broke my leg there, right? NO. I broke my leg coming out of the bathroom 👍
I think it's better to get into a wheelchair right away.
Moony, I am so sorry!! I am sorry this has been a horrible year for you, too. I hope your recovery goes well. 🫂
Ho shite! Moon moon, honey I’m so sorry that happened. I’m hoping that your recovery will be a healthy one, but if you need someone to talk to just give us a place to talk to you!

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