creator cover Lifty


I make games

About the creator

I make games. Currently working on Hunting Season - a FPS action rogue-lite.
If you want to see all of the content you see here but with gameplay and etc., you can check my youtube channel:

Plague Doctor's New Totem

As I said in the previous post, the plague doctor would get a different looking totem eventually. And now I have finally finished it, so here is a look at the new totem.

New Enemy - Plague Doctor

This is the first enemy I have created for the third stage. He shoots poison arrows at the player and has a higher chance of dropping healing brew on death. There is also a chance for a totem to spawn with him. This totem* makes random enemy in the room invincible until the totem is destroyed. *(The model is different now, don't know if I will post it here or not)

Subscription levels

Hunting Season Enjoyer

$ 2,28 per month
Everything is free. You can buy these tiers if you want to support me, but you don't have to do it to see posts and etc. The game will be pay 2 play on release, so here you can see some news and updates for free. If you want to play the free demo, it is available on my itch page.

Hunting Season Enthusiast

$ 5,7 per month
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