creator cover kirkir


2D artist
1 284.14 of $ 3 532 money raised
Magic button <:D one of the goal to buy tablet and things to be more mobile
3 157.61 of $ 3 061 money raised
Magic botton X3

About the creator

Hello everyone and I'm Kir!
My gallery and streams:
✦  Art   ✦   Streams (currently rare) ✦
✦ Thank you for visiting my page, I'll be happy if you follow me/subscribe and share my page with friends~ ✦
✦ Here you can subscribe for exclusive materials! ✦
Please pay attention you need to be 18+ YEARS OLD to subscribe.
This account is for SFW content, but some themes can be not suitable for the audience under age of 18. 
I'll be glad if you follow me or subscribe to support me, with it I can create more!:>
If you want to support me with one-time donation, you are welcome
If there's any problem appears &gt; PROBLEM SOLUTIONS

Subscription levels


$ 3,6 per month
Pick behind the scene ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
• WIPs to upcoming pictures
• Get early access to ALL pictures 
+ chat

More than a donut

$ 5,3 per month
Inclides all above, but also
• Hi-res files
• Step-by-steps or timelapses
+ chat


$ 10,6 per month
It's tier for you if you want to get more 💜
• All previous rewards
• Speedpaints (timelapse videos)
• Comics WIPs and some ideas that won't be published
• Early access to animation(s)
• Subscribers only commission slots (when open)
+ chat

It's not a donut!

$ 53 per month
Is it real? (⊙_⊙)
Only a great desire could lead you to this award...
You will also get access to all the content.
+ chat
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