creator cover Joon Korner

Joon Korner

Digital Artist
Joon Korner
3 262.65 of $ 5 574 money raised
For payment the commissions and tips!✨
0 of $ 558 money raised
На ежедневные расходы, на еду для меня и моей собаки с кошкой. For daily expenses, for food for me and my dog and cat.
0 of $ 335 money raised
На прием к ветеринару для моей собаки и кошки. To the vet's appointment for my dog and cat.

About the creator

Hello everyone! Here I will publish what was not published on Furaffinity and other sites. Full-size art`s, WIP`s and other exclusive content.

Subscription levels

Standard subscription

$ 2,79 per month
✦ High quality art`s

Support for creativity

$ 4 per month
✦ Exclusive pieces (WIP`s, sketches, linearts, and sometimes colored arts that won't be posted in my gallery at FA)
✦ High quality art`s
✦ Early access to art`s  

Super support

$ 5,1 per month
In case you want to support me even more.
✦ You will see all the content
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