creator cover Ivan Enzhaev

Ivan Enzhaev

I like to make useful examples
Ivan Enzhaev
0 of $ 580 money raised
For life.

About the creator

I like to make useful examples
Super Mario clone with free resources
Description: https://8observer8.github.io/webgl10-js/super-mario/index.html
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Detecting objects with a ray in Box2D, OpenGL 2.1/ES2, Qt6, C++
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Jumping with ground check using ray casting, Box2D-WASM, Melon.js, and JavaScript

- Live demo: https://8observer8.github.io/webgl10-js/can-jump-with-ray-casting-box2dwasm-melonjs-js/
- GitHub repository: https://github.com/8Observer8/can-jump-with-ray-casting-box2dwasm-melonjs-js
- Replit: https://replit.com/@8Observer8/Can-jump-with-ray-casting-Box2D-WASM-MelonJS-JS
- Plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/QV6HFlqWkMRgmglM?preview
- Glitch: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/sleet-buttery-rainforest
The debug drawer of Box2D-WASM colliders using Phaser3 and JavaScript
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Some changes for debug drawer for `box2d-wasm` using Melon.js and JavaScript:
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The debug drawer of Box2D-WASM colliders using Melon.js and JavaScript

- Plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/FPE7qRMIWhAhK5M1?preview
- Glitch: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/sudsy-outstanding-marble
- GitHub with an instruction for Rollup: https://github.com/8Observer8/debug-drawer-box2dwasm-melonjs-js
- Box2D-WASM discussion: https://github.com/Birch-san/box2d-wasm/discussions/67
- Melon.js topic: https://melonjs.discourse.group/t/the-debug-drawer-of-box2d-wasm-colliders-using-melon-js-and-javascript/56
- Melon.js discussion: https://github.com/melonjs/melonJS/discussions/1192
The fastest way to install Qt 6 on Windows 10 64 bit - 在 Windows 10 64 位上安装 Qt 6 的最快方法
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