creator cover Geka


Heya! I'm an artist and a visual novel developer!
279.99 of $ 1 160 money raised
For being creative!

About the creator

Heya everyone!

I am an artist and visual novel developer.
Right now I'm working on a game about maid robots in a cyberpunk setting.
All of your donations will help me keep working on this passionate project!
Thank you!

Subscription levels

Thank you!

$ 5,3 per month
Thanks for supporting my work!
You will have access to everything I work on!

Bigger thank you!

$ 11,1 per month
For those who wants to donate me more ^_^
You will have access to everything I work on!

The biggest thank you!

$ 22,1 per month
You are amazing! I really appreciate your help!
Thank you!
You will have access to everything I work on!
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