creator cover Foxapm


just drawing pictures
874.18 of $ 2 273 money raised
ych and adopts

About the creator

Hello everyone, I am FoxAPM, i will try my best to paint beautiful things
I post ych-commissions
Trade: closed
Commission: temporarily closed, when I'm ready I'll post a post about open slots
Collab: hmhmhm unlikely
I have a character - Senichi


remember this?
"also someone sent me informacion, a person steals parts of pictures(including mine)  and draws them for other people:c this is the first time I’ve encountered this and I’m not on those social networks. You can ban them if you have these social networks.  (deviant art I have already banned this person)
links in stash
Now THEY have closed access to their Instagram account AHAHAHAHAHA


Sketch for Senichi and Dōshin
I usually draw in Photoshop, I used to draw in SAI, now I decided to try Krita. For now I’m poking around with the tools and adapting. I don't think I'll change Photoshop to Krita, just for variety.
I want to see how animation works in this program, I hope it will be more convenient than in Photoshop

Solitary echo (new ych)

This is new ych. I wanted to make a small battlefield, but I couldn’t (I didn’t want to) fill it with dead bodies, I hope it turned out okay
I will publish an auction as soon as I finish work on ych with Areot
I will be looking forward to this one!
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Feral_hedgehog,  If you like some ych that you see on Boosty, then there is always the opportunity to buy it before the auction is published. I'm really sorry that you missed it due to time zones :C

little process

the final version is ready and agreed, but I won’t be me if I show it right now xD
I decided to show what was pose could be, I was thinking between having the wolf push away from the path, or blocking path. I settled on the one my friends chose

Feral obstruction

hmm I don’t know when to publish, either today or tomorrow, or after working on ych with Areot

Subscription levels

just support

$ 5,7 per month
it's about $4-8 depending on the exchange rate (at the time of creation this subscription is $5)
14.08.23 ~$5
this subscription is for those who just want to support me
*If you buy art from me, you can get +5% discount on any pieces
(I really can't keep track of who follows me, you sometimes take on different nicknames here and on other platforms, so please let me know when buying anything that you are my subscriber)
*wips or some  
*I will be able to do lotteries or post freeline here in the future
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