Fingerstyle Club
Fingerstyle Club
4 603 subscribers

Subscription levels

Lessons+Tabs on Screen - $4 per month

$ 3,7 per month
- Get my Lessons with Tabs on Screen
- Early access to updates
- Support the YouTube Channel
- Interact directly with me

Video-Tabs - $7 per month

$ 7,3 per month
- Video-Tabs PlayAlong
I show all I do by left and right hand and at the same time you see Video-Tabs. I play each part individually at different tempo - slow, medium and original. Step by step. It will help you learn faster and easier.
- And everything in the previous tiers

VIP Supporter - $28 per month

$ 31 per month
By subscribing you support my work. I really appreciate your support ❤️

Crazy man - $65 per month

$ 73 per month
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